Saturday, December 6, 2008

the waiting is the hardest part

The Waiting
lyrics by Tom Petty
Oh baby don't it feel like heaven right now
Don't it feel like somethin from a dream
Yeah I've never known nothing quite like this
Don't it feel like tonight might never be again
We know better than to try and pretend
Baby no one could have ever told me bout this

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part...
When you are suffering from infertility, our bit worry is the infamous 2ww (two-week wait), meaning the amount of time between the possible date of conception and the day you can by POAS (Peeing On A Stick) to find out if you have a BFP (Big "Fat" Positive) - positive pregnancy test. We ALL dread the 2ww.

Well, in adoption, there's a new meaning to "wait" and it makes the 2ww seem like a piece of CAKE.

Upon completing your home study, you enter the wait, but there is not defined end date, so it's got me thinking that the 2ww isn't really that bad - but every thing is relative.

We are in the wait. We still have work to do that will keep us busy and the holidays are upon us, always a busy time for anyone. But I came across a list (list lover that I am) and thought I'd share it with those of you who find yourself at loose ends while waiting to be matched with your child. Keeping yourself busy and occupied will make the time go by more quickly. Here are a few tips to help:
  • start a hobby
  • complete those unfinished projects and/or start a new one
  • read about parenting an adopted child
  • join an adoptive parents support group
  • talk to others—friends, doctors, etc.
  • take a parenting class
So far, I have enough to keep me busy but may need to refer back to it later.

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