Monday, July 6, 2009

how to adopt

Came across this while searching photolistings, so I thought I'd share. Unfortunately nothing to report on this end, I'm getting calls, but they are to say "already been adopted." So frustrating...

Every adoption experience is as unique as the families, children, and service personnel involved. Common to every adoption, however, are certain steps that lead from first thinking about adoption to finally welcoming a new child (or children!) into your life. The 15 steps listed below--typical for most domestic (adoption of American children by American citizens) special needs adoptions--provide a basic overview of how you may want to approach the adoption process....

for the rest, click here

1 comment:

snickie said...

Good article! We are the final step, waiting for a court date to finalize. Waiting to be matched is hard, but once your matched you'll find it was worth the wait.