A reality series...it took months to figure out the details.Adoption Diaries, a new original series on WEtv explores the process behind privately held open adoptions. The series, which premiered September 12, showcases the matching process between the couples and expectant mothers who turn to open adoption.
Each episode follows a different story from the beginning stages, as a birth mother is faced with choosing her baby's future family. Throughout the series Dr. Jennifer Bliss (National Associate Counseling Director and Southern California Branch Co-Director at the Independent Adoption Center) works to match the birthmothers with the right families...
Hello world!
5 years ago
Finally a show for us. All those "baby story" shows break my heart.
I've watched since the first show. I make sure I watch it by myself because I always cry while watching. I am always so touched by the birthmoms. What a decision they choose to make.
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